Our Purpose

Our Purpose
The preservation of human dignity and the care of those in need

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Our purpose is to bring urgent relief to vulnerable families affected by poverty. We designed our assistance programs to empower our beneficiaries to become self-sufficient and ultimately inspire them to build strong communities so their members can help each other. We constantly seek simple, efficient strategies to fight hunger and poverty without adversely impacting our aid recipients or their country. While our charity organization was founded on the religious principle that it is our moral duty to clothe and feed the poor (Matthew 25:40), Food For The Poor is neutral, impartial, apolitical, and encompasses all religions and beliefs. FFTP holds preserving human dignity and caring for those in need as a universal value. Our short-term focus is to demonstrate that poverty is not inevitable and that people can break out of poverty with the proper assistance. We partner with subject matter experts, local and international NGOs, universities and colleges, churches, and service organizations to achieve our goal.

Hunger Relief

Our food distribution programs provide food to those who cannot afford it or lack access to nutritious meals regardless of their religion or background. Our hunger relief efforts require the implementation of complex food distribution logistics that involve warehousing, transportation to remote areas, establishing distribution centers, community gardens, and agricultural development projects aimed at increasing local food production.

Our program includes the following solutions:

  • Distribution of MannaPacks: MannaPacks contain a blend of rice, soy protein, dehydrated vegetables, and a mixture of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and zinc. These ingredients are carefully selected to provide a balanced and nutritious meal that can help combat malnutrition and promote overall health.
  • Family & Community Gardens: Food produced from individual gardens encourages healthy eating and provides vital nutrients.
  • Community Markets: They Provide residents with food, supplies, and services and help support the economy of the community.

Poverty Relief

We expanded our hunger relief programs to include poverty interventions to have a lasting impact on the families we help. These programs aim to address the root causes of poverty and improve the overall well-being of impoverished individuals and communities. The initiatives include job training programs, microfinance initiatives, access to education and healthcare, and infrastructure development.

Our program includes the following types of solutions:

  • Housing: A home helps people establish strong social, economic, and cultural ties in their community and enables them to live and raise families in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Community Health Centers:: Residents have access to services supporting health and wellness.
  • Clean Water: Access to clean water helps promote good health and hygiene, lowers the risk of death, and halts the spread of disease.
  • Micro-enterprise: Microenterprise development contributes to poverty alleviation by creating sustainable pathways out of poverty for individuals and families. By generating income, building assets, and creating employment opportunities, microenterprises help lift people out of poverty and improve overall economic well-being in communities.


No Hunger

No Hunger

End hunger for families struggling in poverty and provide accessibility to nutritious food.

No Poverty

No Poverty

Eliminate poverty and build long-term resilience and sustainability.

Good Health

Good Health

Prevent unnecessary suffering for families who are held back in poverty due to treatable illnesses.



Providing access to education empowers the next generation to break the poverty cycle.


Facts from our Annual Reports about Our Hunger and Poverty relief Programs


  • Focus: Partnerships, disaster relief, and community development.
  • New Initiatives: Acceso partnership for farmer training and market access, expansion of feeding programs in Haiti, Colombia, and El Salvador.
  • Disaster Relief: Support for Ukraine, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Southwest Florida.
  • Volunteer Program: Increased participation with 872 volunteers contributing 2,772 hours.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $386 million worth of aid in 2,691 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Sustainable livelihood solutions, education, and health care.
  • New Programs: Bees for New Growth in Haiti, Seeds to Smiles bean production program in Nicaragua.
  • Community Development: Building sustainable communities with resources and infrastructure.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $790.4 million worth of aid in 3,402 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: COVID-19 response, disaster relief, and housing.
  • Highlights: Built 1,872 homes and distributed food, medical supplies related to COVID-19, and hurricanes Eta & Iota.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $750.6 million worth of aid in 3,157 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, and health care.
  • Highlights: Provided over 20 million meals per month, built 3,113 homes, and shipped 660 tractor-trailers of medicine and medical supplies.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $750.6 million worth of aid in 3,157 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Provided over 25 million meals per month, built 4,253 homes, built, repaired, or expanded 58 schools, and shipped 611 tractor-trailers of medicine and medical supplies.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $833.8 million worth of aid in 4,541 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, health care, and disaster relief.
  • Highlights: Provided 1.2 million meals per day, built 7,582 housing units, distributed aid to Dominica, Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Antigua, and St. Thomas after hurricanes.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $843.5 million worth of aid in 4,232 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, health care, and disaster relief.
  • Highlights: Distributed 617 million meals to malnourished children and families, built 9,430 housing units, provided relief aid to Haiti after Hurricane Matthew.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $876 million worth of aid in 4,095 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Distributed over 56 million pounds of food, built 9,431 housing units, supported 5,212 children through the Angels of Hope program.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $1.06 billion worth of aid in 3,660 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Distributed over 52 million pounds of food to malnourished children and families, built 7,367 housing units, supported 3,270 children through the Angels of Hope program.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $814 million worth of aid in 3,914 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights Distributed over 50 million pounds of food to malnourished children and families, built 6,808 housing units, supported education by building/rebuilding 33 schools and shipping school supplies.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $944 million worth of aid in 3,518 tractor-trailers.


  • Focus: Feeding programs, housing, education, and health care.
  • Highlights: Distributed over 67 million pounds of food to malnourished children and families, built 6,805 housing units, supported education by building/rebuilding 37 schools.
  • Total Aid Distributed: $811 million worth of aid in 3,414 trailers.